Waste Treatment for UK Offshore


Waste is a complex challenge that can be differentiated through several criteria, including its origin point. For us it's very important to work with our partners to determine the type of waste and the most efficient to treat it. We've applied this kind of thinking and customised service for our UK Offshore partners. 

UK Off Shore Waste Treatment

SASES were supplied with three samples of waste drilling mud slops/emulsion from offshore UK North Sea operations. The main goal of this project was to split the waste into oil, water and solids phases. Therefore different SASES chemistries were tested to find out which chemicals for oil waste treatment were going to be the most successful with this oil waste. 

What we did...

Being able to produce a three way split for the waste would allow for the water to be removed and made available for further treatment. This removal of water would greatly reduce the waste volume for both transport and disposal back to shore, ultimately resulting in significantly reduced costs.

To achieve this result the oil sludge sample was dosed directly with a range of SASES products, all of which are Gold certified for offshore use, and different dose rates. Samples were then shaken thoroughly for 30 seconds and were spun in a spin out rotor centrifuge at 3,000rpm for 2 minutes.

The results...

So to sum up...

From this round of testing it is clear the most promising products are the SAS PitClean 102C and the SAS WellboreClean 116SC, which are both highly capable of splitting the supplied waste samples. This allowed the majority of water to be removed, solids to be disposed of and clean, good quality oil to be recovered. 

Once again, the SASES products successfully produced a 3 phase split and a reduction in waste for our customers, as the waste was treated offshore this meant a reduction in waste coming back onshore by around 80%. Good job!
To find out more about these great products, have a look at our Product Data Sheets: