SAS is Us : Laura


March 2020 is definitely the month of ‘change’. We are all experiencing challenging times. The way we learn, work and socialize is shifting. It will mean that inadvertently our values will become clearer and motivate us to try new experiences. This applies to SAS ES as well. In the beginning of March we launched our new website. We wanted to personalize your experience on our digital ‘headquarters’. But most importantly, we wanted to become more transparent in our process and to clarify what we stand for, how we work and how important the relationships we have with our clients are.

You may have noticed the information we now made available on our history and our team pages. If you were expecting to see the ‘handsome’ faces of Mark and John, then you won’t be disappointed. But you may have noticed a new person. The person who designed the new website, and who is still learning the ‘trade’. As it happens, that person is me.

With this new series of weekly articles, we aim to introduce each member of our team. Those whom you may know and the more mysterious ones. This week, we are starting with the newest SAS member A.K.A. me. I must warn you, it will be an interview like article, which I suppose would work when you have two different people. For me it will be more of a monologue aimed at my screen. Without further ado:

“What do you do for SAS Environmental Services?”

Laura:  Most of my tasks are related to the creative side of the business. I started by building the new SAS website. I’m looking at creating a ‘rebirth’ strategy for the social media part. I am creating content for the digital space. But I’m still learning, so I’m always grateful for guidance from the team. Before working for SAS ES, I worked in the tourism and hospitality industry. I have a good experience in services and how to deal with people, but less of the technical know-how required in the Oil & Gas industry. However, I am learning every day!

Laura Susnea

 “You’ve worked in a service industry, previously. What do you think about the Oil & Gas Industry?”

Laura: Energy is something that we all need in this day and age. It solves so many other existential issues. It powers innovative technologies that save lives. That being said, assuming responsibilities and finding ways to perform your business where you contribute positively to the community and minimize your negative impact is an ethos to live by. We are headed in that direction. But the 20th century energy legacy remains with all the oil waste being stored and we have to solve that.

“What do you find the most compelling in your work at SAS?”

Laura: The passion that everyone has for saving the environment. Seeing how worse it can get either makes you give up or try to find a solution. We are just one tiny planet. We cannot travel anywhere else, we cannot survive anywhere else. So, if we don’t take care of home, how are we going to live? It’s not something that starts now and blends into the future. We have to look at our past as well. Mark and John’s idea for SAS ES 20 years ago was exactly that. Well if you ask them, they won’t explain it like I did, but the gist is they wanted to help somehow. They wanted to provide a solution to a problem that exponentially increased, and it wasn’t trendy or ‘sexy’ to look at. Now, everyone looks at it. So, I guess, you can call them some sort of pioneers.

“How will you contribute to the environmental problem SAS is trying to solve?”

Laura: I will do my best to have SAS’s voice heard through different mediums. I think we have a worthy cause to support. It’s not an easy one. It didn’t look so important or at least something that would impact the current generation. And all things said, up until recently, we weren’t built to have a generational thinking. But given the current crisis the world is facing with COVID-19, things will change. And the way we appreciate our planet will change as well. I’ll be SAS’s interface to the world.

Thank you, Laura, for your interview. You’re welcome, Laura.

So, maybe you’ve found out a little bit about me. I wanted you to know that despite being a novice to this industry, with a lot more things to learn, I do stand by SAS’s vision of making the environment cleaner and helping the energy sector in achieving their social responsibility objectives. If you want to know more, check out my LinkedIn.

Stay tuned for next Wednesday’s interview. Who do you want to know more about? Mark or John? What kind of questions would you ask them? Check out our Facebook poll and leave a comment. Stay safe and healthy! Until next week!
