OTC 2019 - Advice for the Event


This weekend the SAS-ES team are headed to Houston, Texas for The Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) taking place next week! Having attended OTC for the past 19 years we thought we should share with you some of our best advice for the event, which we gained the hard way...

So here are our 4 Top Tips for OTC:


Most people who attend will head to register at the main NRG centre, meaning the lines are extensive. However, we found a good place to register and usually avoid waiting times is the NRG Arena. Generally, assume that initial parking and registration will take around 1-2 hours at the start of your first day.

TIP: Make sure you pre-register before arriving and bring your print out and photo ID.

Eat & Drink

With so much going on you have to make sure you are maintaining regular food consumption, usually the best eating options are outside. Remember peak times will get very busy, and you may find it difficult to find a seat for yourself and your colleagues/contacts. Beat the rush and the crowds by having lunch either a bitter earlier or later than usual. 

TIP: You can find a variety of snacks to keep you going through the day at our booth (#1161). 

Remember to Rest 

OTC, like Houston, is incredibly spread out and the event will include a LOT of walking, from outdoor exhibits to the NRG arena to the main exhibition halls in the NRG centre. Try to fit in a few visits to booths with seating arrangements strategically throughout your week to rest your sore feet. Also, comfortable shoes are an essential.

TIP: Our booth (#1161) has a lovely area with seats for you to rest at, come and visit!

Plan, Plan, Plan

Tradeshows always need a plan, and massive tradeshows like OTC need a good plan. If you are going to make the most out of your week you need to know who you are meeting, when you are meeting, where the booths you want to visit are located, etc! Make a plan and split up your time wisely over the week, don't cram it all into the first couple of days.

TIP: Always carry your exhibition map, you never know when you could get lost...

We hope this advice can be of help to you over the week, and see you there!

If you're going to be at OTC be sure to come and visit the SAS-ES team. Find us at the Scotland Pavilion in the NRG Centre (Scottish Development International Stand, Booth #1161). If you get lost, just look for the Scottish flag! 

If you are interested in arranging a meeting with SAS-ES during OTC, please get in contact.